2006-2007 Season
New Play Project
Production History
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Salute to Seven Sisters
Company History
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Louisville’s Premiere Women’s Theatre Company
to provide the Kentuckiana area with opportunities for women artists,
to promote theatrical productions that focus on women’s issues, and
to introduce a new generation of theatregoers to classical and
contemporary drama in a context respectful of diversity.
Find out how to get involved!

Ple-ia-des: the seven daughters of Atlas
turned, according to Greek mythology,
into a group of stars; a conspicuous loose
cluster of stars in the constellation Taurus
that includes six stars visible to the average eye.
Partial funding provided by:

The Kentucky Arts Council, a state agency in the Commerce Cabinet, provides operational support funding for Pleiades Theatre Company with state tax dollars and federal funding from the National Endowment for the Arts, which believes that a great nation deserves great art.